Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lots of Blogging Today

Today I'm blogging about HIGHLANDER UNCHAINED over at the Jaunty Quills (where I'm giving away a couple of books) and the Divas. Pop on over to check it out.

Also...good news update: I just found out that HIGHLANDER UNMASKED will be on the NY Times Bestseller list for a second week!!! I'm thrilled. The new list will be available online on Sunday.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Book #3 is out!

I can't believe how fast the past couple of months have gone, but today HIGHLANDER UNCHAINED hits the stores. So it you are out and about let me know where you see it!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Eastern Promises . . . and Viggo full monte!

Now if that isn't a movie recommendation, I don't know what is. :) Friday night was movie night for the McCarty household. While my kids went to see Ratatouille with their grandfather, my husband and I went to see Eastern Promises. We were both really looking forward to seeing this movie and were not disappointed.
Now, it's not for everyone--particularly those with weak stomachs. I actually had to look away a few times. It's the story of a woman--a midwife--who is trying to track down information about a young girl who died in her hospital after giving birth to a baby girl. If the midwife (played by Naomi Watts) doesn't find the girl's family, the child will end up in London's child welfare system. Her search leads her into the heart of the Russian mafia where she meets an enigmatic and perhaps brutal mobster (played by Viggo) who she become attracted to. It's a great movie and there is one very memorable scene that everyone is talking about where Viggo fights off a couple of bad guys wearing nothing more than his tattoos.
The other movie on our short list is 310 to Yuma. Any other recommendations?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Today over at the Divas I'm blogging about the gritty, not so romantic side of history and the issue of accuracy and anachronisms. Hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Yes, That's Nathan Kamp On My Covers!
I'll own up to knowing the names of a couple romance cover models over the years--aside from the iconic Fabio, Rob Ashton and John DeSalvo come to mind. I have no idea how this happens, but somehow I think if you read enough books you're bound to pick up one or two along the way. I'd never sought out the name of a cover model before, until Nathan Kamp--specifically Kinley MacGregor's SWORD OF DARKNESS.

And then I started to notice him . . . everywhere. And not just on romance covers. He also popped up in some catalogs I get at my house like Champion and Gorsuch.

Apparently, I'm not alone in my fascination. "Stacy" on Amazon has an entire list devoted to Nathan Kamp covers. Many readers have written and mentioned him by name on my covers. I've even heard a couple people say that they'll buy any book with him on the cover. I've probably been guilty of that once or twice without even realizing it.
My current favorite NK cover is Jo Goodman's IF HIS KISS IS WICKED, but I also love Jackie Ivie's TENDER IS THE KNIGHT.

What about you . . . do you know any cover models by name? Any that make you pick up a book? What is your favorite NK cover?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Romance B(u)y The Book on

Michelle Buonfiglio has tapped me as a guest on her gorgeous new site on Lifetime, featuring HIGHLANDER UNMASKED. I'll be blogging on Thursday, but some of the material is already up so make sure to check it out. You'll need to register to comment, but it's really easy (like blogger) and isn't used as a sales tool. Hint: don't put any spaces in the user name.